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Quinta de la Rosa Rosé is made from the free run juice when making Vintage port. The lagares (granite tanks) are filled with grape and before they are trodden we open the taps and let the juice run off. After fermentation at low temperatures in small stainless steel tanks, the rosé was stored in stainless steel until it was bottled in May 2018
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Quinta de la Rosa Rosé is made from the free run juice when making Vintage port. The lagares (granite tanks) are filled with grape and before they are trodden we open the taps and let the juice run off. After fermentation at low temperatures in small stainless steel tanks, the rosé was stored in stainless steel until it was bottled in May 2018
It has a good structure and attractive red fruit flavours with a touch of wild strawberry. Totally dry in the mouth, the wine has great freshness and pleasing acidity
Serve chilled, as an excellent refreshing aperitif. Given its structure, it is a perfect withfood and can easily be drunk when eating summer salads, fish, chicken and other whitemeats
Stor flaske
White meats, pastas dishes and grilled seafood
Rose Wine
Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Barroca and Tinta Roriz
The Rosé is made from the free run juice when making Vintage port. The lagares (granitetanks) are filled with grape and before they are trodden we open the taps and let the juicerun of
Total surhet
4.9 g/dm3
Jorge Moreira
After fermentation at low temperatures in small stainless steel tanks, the rosé wasstored in stainless steel until it was bottled in April 2016
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Quinta de la Rosa Rosé is made from the free run juice when making Vintage port. The lagares (granite tanks) are filled with grape and before they are trodden we open the taps and let the juice run off. After fermentation at low temperatures in small stainless steel tanks, the rosé was stored in stainless steel until it was bottled in May 2018