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Terras do Mogadouro Reserva Red Wine goes well with meat dishes, perfect with "posta mirandesa", "feijoada à transmontana", dried beans, meat with "surça" seasoning, sausages like "salpicão", "chouriça" and "alheira". Cheese and Bisaro cured ham. Its versatility includes fine meats such as roast beef and also codfish.
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Terras do Mogadouro Reserva Red Wine goes well with meat dishes, perfect with "posta mirandesa", "feijoada à transmontana", dried beans, meat with "surça" seasoning, sausages like "salpicão", "chouriça" and "alheira". Cheese and Bisaro cured ham. Its versatility includes fine meats such as roast beef and also codfish.