List of products by brand Casa de Sarmento

Casa de Sarmento is a Differentiated Unit of the University of Minho, founded in 2017, supported by a protocol that the University signed with the Municipality of Guimarães and Sociedade Martins Sarmento (SMS). Thus, the experience of the Cultural Unit with the same name that existed between 2002 and 2008 is resumed.

Its main mission is to strengthen the link between the University and the community, as well as to support the development of the scientific and cultural mission of SMS. In its activity, the treatment, cataloguing, digitization and dissemination of the bibliographic, documentary and museological collection of SMS is of particular importance. Through Casa de Sarmento, researchers and the general public will have privileged access to a heritage of inestimable cultural value and high scientific potential.

Casa de Sarmento is a Differentiated Unit of the University of Minho, founded in 2017, supported by a protocol that the University signed with the Municipality of Guimarães and Sociedade Martins Sarmento (SMS). Thus, the experience of the Cultural Unit with the same name that existed between 2002 and 2008 is resumed.

Its main mission is to strengthen the link between the University and the community, as well as to support the development of the scientific and cultural mission of SMS. In its activity, the treatment, cataloguing, digitization and dissemination of the bibliographic, documentary and museological collection of SMS is of particular importance. Through Casa de Sarmento, researchers and the general public will have privileged access to a heritage of inestimable cultural value and high scientific potential.

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